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Ven. Khandro Rinpoche 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07

H.E. Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Teachings on The 9 Yanas

Copenhagen, Denmark 1-3/5 2009

This recording is available in a set of 9 audio CD:s, or 2 mp3 CD:s

mp3 CD 1
Friday evening:
01. Recitation
02. Introduction talk
03. What does it means to be a Buddhist?
04. Buddhism is a way of life
05. Purpose of Buddhism
06. The Yanas
07. Teachings from four great teachers
08. “Yana” is taking steps, or travelling on a path
09. Buddhas teach different Yanas for different people
10. Different potentials
11. Take care of your capabilities
12. Gradual path of different Yanas
13. 5th Yana; The Bodhisattva Yana
14. Q: The correct way of prostration?
Q: Using a Mandala disc?
Q: Using meat in Tsog offerings?

Saturday morning:
15. Recitation
16. Understanding oneself
17. Why do we practice these things?
18. What is your basic hopes & fears?
19. What is your viewpoints of Samsara & Enlightenment?
20. Progressive stages of meditation
21. Ultimately your mind is pure
22. Vehichles of transcendence
23. The basic practice of refuge

Saturday afternoon:
24. Recitation, recognizing your own hopes & fears
25. Taking refuge properly
26. “Nothing happens…”
27. Approach of refuge
28. Absolute confidence
29. Three things to abandon
30. Three things to cultivate
31. What are outer, inner, secret and ultimate refuge?
32. Ultimate refuge
33. Take refuge correctly!
34. Sravakas view
35. What does the empty nature of mind mean?
36. Pratyeka view

mp3 CD 2
Sunday morning:
37. Recitation 07.01
38. Q: My views shift between Hinayana and Mahayana…
39. Q: Can one make ones own rules?
40. Sravakas view
41. Reflections on The Wheel of Life
42. Contemplation of outer and inner dependencies
43 Do you really need all this..?
44. The actions of the Pratyekas are of two kind
45. Mahayanas approach is letting it be
46. Genuine compassion

Sunday afternoon:
47. Recitation 05.00
48. Mantra for dealing with difficulties
49. The web of karma and ingorance
50. Putting the view into action
51. The 7 Limbs of Enlightenment
52. Realizing emptiness of self and others
53. Direct perception
54. Different methods of Kriyayoga
55. The 6 modes of the Kriya visualization
56. Carya and Kriya relation to the meditation
57. Anuyoga, The 3 samadhis
58. Learning how your mind creates appearances
59. Reasons for different Yanas
60. Closing words

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