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Ven. Khandro Rinpoche 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07
on "The Perfect Path of Bodhisattvas"
Recorded in Copenhagen, Denmark.
July 24-27, 2004.
This recording is available in a set of 11 audio CD:s, or 2 mp3 CD:s
01. Recitation
02. Introduction
03. The simplicity/complexity of the practice
CD 2
01. Introduction to the text
02. Recitation
03. Devotion and compassion
04. Fixation of results
CD 3
01. Two views of Mahayana teachings
02. The four main classifications
03. How to take the Bodhisattva vows
04. The contemplation on the four reminders
05. Suffering - a result of generated Karma
CD 4
Sunday morning:
01. Recitation
02. Words on the lineage prayer
03. On reading dedications. On self-examination
04. On identification and cognition
CD 5
01. Revulsion to the Samsara
02. Cutting through self-centeredness
03. Recitation
04. On requests for blessings
Practicing seriously
Attachment to Nirvana
CD 6
01. The three motivations of Bodhicitta -
the Kings, the Shepherds, the Boatmans
The four immesurables -
Loving kindness, Compassion...
02. The third immesurable: Joyfulness
03. The fourth immesurable: Equanimity
CD 7
Monday afternoon:
01. Recitation
The three kinds of obstacles
Bodhicitta - Enlightened heart
The true nature of emptiness
02. Discipline, Compassion and Devotion
03. The four schools (or views) of tibetan buddhism
Samsara/Nirvana conceptualization
04. The simple view of Madhyamika - the middle path
What is not created by the mind?
CD 8
Tuesday morning:
01. Recitation
Have a honest relation to practice.
02. Attachment to Nirvana och Samsara
CD 9
01. Preoccupation with the judgments, opinions etc
The relationship between student and teacher
The need of creating good Karma and merits
02. Lungs - oral transmission of different sadhanas
CD 10
Tuesday afternoon:
01. Recitation
Lung for the practice of Samantabhadra
02. On taking the Bodhisattva vows
The seven branch offerings
1:st branch offering: Prostrations
03. 2:nd branch offering: Generosity
04. 3:rd branch offering: Confession
05. 4:th branch offering: Joyfulness
06. 5:th branch offering: Request of the supplication
to turn the wheel of Dharma
07. 6:th branch offering: Supplication to
all the Enlightened Beings
CD 11
01. 7:th branch offering: Dedication
02. A mind ready for Lojong training
03. Recitation
Long life prayer for Rinpoche