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Ven. Khandro Rinpoche 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07
Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Teachings on: The skillfull methods of meditation in Buddhism,
The 1st. and the 2nd. Turning of the Wheel of Dharma
Copenhagen, Denmark 18-20/4 2008
This recording is available in a set of 9 audio CD:s, or 2 mp3 CD:s
CD 1
Friday morning:
01. Recitation
02. Introduction
03. This years subject - Hinayana
04. Teaching with a progressive approach
05. The study of meditation
06. 2 aspects of meditation
07. View, meditation and action
08. 4 classifications of meditation
09. Samsaric Yana
10. Investigating what buddhism is to you
11. The Buddha within, your primordial mind
12. Renunciation
13. Determination
Friday afternoon:
14. Samsaric Samadhi
15. The Four Noble Truths
16. Contemplation on suffering
17. What is my relationship to the path?
18. Six Realms of Existence and 3 kinds of suffering
19. The Eight Kinds of Suffering: 1. the suffering of birth
20. The Suffering of old age
21. The Suffering of sickness
22. The Suffering of death
23. The Suffering of meeting with what is harmful
24. The Suffering of not meeting with pleasant things
25. The Suffering of not getting what one looks for
26. The Suffering of aggregates
27. What causes the different kinds of suffering ?
Saturday morning:
28. Recitation
29. The View discovered on your own
30. Reasons for the second turning of the Wheel of Dharma
31. Understand suffering first!
32. There is no genuine bliss or joyfulness
33. Look within! Gom- becoming familiar with the view
34. Questions & Answers
35. The 12 branches of the excellent speech of the Buddha
36. Implement the Hinayana teachings
37. The origin has to be abandoned/the 6th.-8th. branches…
38. The 9th. To the 12th branches…
Saturday afternoon:
39. Recitation
40. Not to be worried or overwhelmed…
41. Wisdom is intrinsic
42. Let go of external support
43 The12 Nidanas
44. The process starts with not knowing
45. How can we do it?
46. The Eightfold Path
47. The second turning of the wheel of Dharma
48. The 18 elements
49. The 5 aggregates
50. Questions & Answers
51. The 12 Nidanas as the glue
52. Ouestions & Answers
53. The path of accumulation – 12 actions of a Bodhisattva
CD 2
Sunday morning:
54. Danish translation of the Prajnaparamita sutra
55. Hope and fear in daily meditation
56. Be realistic, but also – look further
57. Karma is a hopeful thing
58. What can you do but be silent?
59. It´s hard to stop grasping and clinging
60. Wisdom and ignorance are not two separate things
61. The more genuine understanding, the less dependence on outer structures
62. The 16 aspects of the Four Noble Truths
63. How far has one cultivated understanding?
64. Do you really know the cause of suffering?
65. Wherever your mind is – develop awareness
66. The 4 aspects of the 3rd. noble truth
67. The 4th noble truth – path or sudden enlightenment
68. Question: Isn´t misery a better word than suffering?
69. Question: Is suffering the only reason for being a buddhist?
70. The 16 distorted ways of understanding The Four Noble Truths
71. Examine this in your own practice
72. Question: It seems conceptualization is a hindrance…
Sunday afternoon:
73. Between view and action is meditation
74. 12 practices of a Bodhisattva – the 3 qualities that must be cultivated
75. 1)Cultivating Bodhicitta in body and thought
76. 2)Devotion
77. 3)Exerting effort to accumulate virtue
78. Question: On hurting other beings…
79. One must cross four stages
80. Attainment
81. Entering the path of joining
82. Five forces – same as powers but less conceptual
83. Entering the path of insight
84. Entering the path of meditation
85. The Ten Bhumis
86. Question: Difference between wisdom and knowledge?
87. Meditation has to be understood correctly
88. Actual Samadhi -Samadhi of the three realms
89. Questions & Answers
90. Question: Can you tell us about the buddhist altar?
91. Four characteristics of Samadhi
92. Question: What is the white dot on the altar?
93. Words of conclusion