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Ven. Khandro Rinpoche 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07
on "Lojong - Seven Points of Mind Training"
Recorded in Copenhagen, Denmark.
May 27-29, 2005.
This recording is available in a set of 8 audio CD:s, or 2 mp3 CD:s
Friday afternoon:
01. Recitation.
02. Introduction comments.
03. Why are we buddhists?
04. The importance of putting things into practice.
05. Buddhism as a non-theistic religion.
06. Over- or underestimating your potential.
07. On Lojong - progressive path of training.
08. Realizing the ordinary minds potential.
09. The importance of making supplications.
10. Understanding self-attachment.
01. Point One: The four preliminaries.
02. Precious human existence.
03. Impermanence.
04. Suffering.
05. Dedication.
06. Recitation.
07. Using the four thoughts as a base.
08. Point Two: The actual method.
09. Regarding all dharmas as dreams.
01. Practicing with meditation.
02. Examine the nature of unborn awareness.
03. Self-liberate even the antidote.
04. Rest within the nature of alaya.
05. Recitation.
06. Words on lineage, devotion and compassion.
07. On meditation practice.
08. Unconditional love & compassion.
01. On Tonglen.
02. Instructions in Tonglen.
03. On basic goodness.
04. Tonglen can be practiced at any time.
05. This should result in a flexible attitude.
06. Three objects, three poisons,
and three seeds of virtue.
07. Third virtue - looking into the hearts of all people.
08. Recitation.
09. Dharma in the east and west.
01. In all activities, train with slogans.
02. Begin the sequence of Tonglen with yourself.
03. Point Three: When the world is filled with evil,
transform all mishaps inte the path of bodhi.
04. Drive all blames into one.
05. Be grateful to everyone.
06. Seeing confusion as the four kayas is
unsurpassable shunyata protection.
07. Seeing the indivisibility of essence
and apparentness.
Sunday morning:
01. Recitation.
02. Comments on the chanting.
03. Motivation for practice.
04. Seeing the fullness of the situation.
05. Four practices are the best of methods.
01. The importance of accumulating merits.
02. Purification of negative actions.
03. Offering to obstructing spirits - the Döns.
04. Offering to the Visdom Beings.
05. Whatever you meet unexpectedly
- meet with meditation.
06. Recitation and lung for Yeshe Tsogyal.
07. I have a problem of catching thoughts...
08. How
far should one go beyond the first five points?
09. Dissolving suffering outside of oneself...?
10. Taking on the suffering of mentally ill people...?
11. Similarities between Tonglen and Chöd practices..?
12. How to keep from being overwhelmed by one ones
negative actions?
13. I find it difficult to connect to people...
14. Drive all blames into ones self..?
01. Point Four: Practice in everyday life.
02. Power of meditation/familiarity.
03. Seed of virtue.
04. Power of reproach.
05. Power of aspiration.
06. Dedications.
07. Generating the five strengths even
at the time of death.
08. What can you do for those who are dying?
09. Power of aspiration.
10. Power of reproach.
11. Power of familiarities.
12. Meditation on the similarities of sleep and death.
13. Closing words.