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Lakha Lama 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09
by T.D. Lakha Lama
in Malmö
April 23, 2003
CD 1
1. On dependence on buddhism for happiness.
2. Dialogue: What is the reasons for unhappiness?
3. More dialgoue: What makes you unhappy?
4. Is it so important to be happy?
5. How to practice Dharma?
CD 2
1. Good whishes for sick or dead persons.
2. Caring for people who need it.
3. Contemplation: Seeing disturbing thoughts.
4. To meditate on spritual energy.
5. Guided meditation with chanting.
6. Conclusion talk.