Karma Yönten Ling - Föreningen för Tibetansk Buddhism i Malmö - Lund | medlems sidor

Stephan Pende undervisning hösten 2020

"The Healing Power of Tara" - åtta onsdagar 9/9, 23/9, 7/10, 21/10, 4/11, 18/11, 2/12 samt 16/12. OBS - ej drop-in så anmäl dig med mail till Stephan innan kursstart 9/9. 

A four months introduction course into Buddhist Tantra Practice. Tara is invoked in times of personal difficulties, health problems and whenever there is a need for compassionate presence. She personifies the active feminine aspect in us and manifests in many different forms. To recite the mantra of Tara is considered immeasurably helpful in all adverse circumstances.

The practice of Tara connects you with your innate healing capacity for yourself and others. We will use the Mantra of Tara, simple visualizations, gentle Bodywork and transformative meditations to connect with the healing power of compassion. The aim is to bring this inherent resource into everyday life and your relationship to yourself and others.

You do not need prior experience or knowledge in Tantric practices. All you need is the wish to give up the struggle and surrender yourself to the guidance of Tara, the inner Wisdom Mother.

Stephan Wormland, MA in clinical psychology, is trained in Gestalt therapy. He has studied and practiced meditation in multiple Buddhist traditions for over 35 years and spent 5 years in meditation retreats. Stephan was a monk in the Tibetan tradition for 11 years and teaches meditation in Buddhist centres in Europe.

Apply by writing to Stephan Pende: ngapende@gmail.com.

För anmälan och frågor skriv till Stephan Pende på mail: ngapende@gmail.com

Lärare: Stephan Pende

Tid: 19-21.00

Plats: Studentgatan 2 i Malmö, så långt detta är möjligt. Vi kommer även att sända online via en privat Facebookgrupp. Länk till denna delas vid anmälan.

Avgift 900 kr för medlem, 1100 kr ej medlem att betalas vid första tillfället

Undervisningen är på engelska