Stephan Pende undervisning hösten 2019

"RADICAL SELF-ACCEPTANCE AND THE INNER JUDGE" - sju onsdagar 4/9, 18/9, 2/10, 16/10, 30/10, 27/11 samt 18/12. OBS - ej drop-in så anmäl dig innan kursstart 4/9. Max deltagare 35 personer.

Self-Denigration is one of the biggest obstacles to bring forth Bodhicitta, the Awakened Heart. Stephan Pende will share methods to break through the trance of unworthiness and connect with your inner beauty and peace. The teachings and experience of Buddha-Nature are fundamental for us because we are coming from a culture of guilt and shame.

Stephan Wormland, MA in clinical psychology, is trained in Gestalt therapy. He has studied and practiced meditation in multiple Buddhist traditions for over 35 years and spent 5 years in meditation retreats. Stephan was a monk in the Tibetan tradition for 11 years and teaches meditation in Buddhist centres in Europe.

Apply by writing to Stephan Pende:

För anmälan och frågor skriv till Stephan Pende på mail:

Lärare: Stephan Pende

tid: 19-21.00

plats: Sensus Studieförbund, Studentgatan 2, Malmö

avgift 900 kr för medlem, 1100 kr ej medlem att betalas vid första tillfället

Undervisningen är på engelska

                          Karma Yönten Ling - Föreningen för Tibetansk Buddhism i Malmö - Lund | medlems sidor