Karma Yönten Ling - Föreningen för Tibetansk Buddhism i Malmö - Lund | medlems sidor

Stephan Pende undervisning hösten 2018

"Taking Meditation Serious" - åtta onsdagar 5/9, 19/9, 3/10, 17/10, 31/10, 14/11, 28/11 samt 12/12. OBS - sluten grupp.

The foundation for any successful inner work is stable attention. This is an innate capacity we all have, but we can train and strengthen stable attention. The benefits of increased stable attention are enormous, short-term as it has been shown in numerous clinical studies, but also long-term, culminating in the awakening experience.

The course is based on the teachings within the Tibetan Tradition of the 9 stages to develop Shamatha. Students are required to have experience in meditation and they need to commit to a 45 min meditation session every day for the four months period.

Stephan Wormland, MA in clinical psychology, is trained in Gestalt therapy. He has studied and practiced meditation in multiple Buddhist traditions for over 35 years and spent 5 years in meditation retreats. Stephan was a monk in the Tibetan tradition for 11 years and teaches meditation in Buddhist centers in Europe.

Apply by writing to Stephan Pende ngapende@gmail.com. För anmälan och frågor skriv till Stephan Pende på mail: ngapende@gmail.com

OBS - detta är en sluten grupp för de som har erfarenhet av meditation och är villiga att åta sig att meditera minst 45 min per dag. Ej drop-in.

Lärare: Stephan Pende

tid: 19-21.00

avgift 900 kr för medlem, 1100 kr ej medlem

Undervisningen är på engelska

"The Tenderness in your Heart" - tre söndagar 23/9, 11/11 (OBS inställt i november) samt 16/12. Drop-in.

One of the most important resource in your life is tenderness (tib. Tsewa), the warm and open energy in your heart. How can we make contact with this essential capacity and learn to give and receive Tsewa?

Stephan Pende with introduce you to some time-tested methods from the Tibetan Tradition to awaken Tsewa in your body and mind. Tsewa is a powerful source for healing, creativity, joy, meaning and courage.

Lärare: Stephan Pende

tid: 10:00-13:00

avgift: 200 kr för medlem, 250 kr ej medlem

Undervisningen är på engelska

Ingen föranmälan behövs och det går bra att delta i ett eller flera av tillfällena