Karma Yönten Ling - Föreningen för Tibetansk Buddhism i Malmö - Lund | medlems sidor

Bodhisattva training for Rebels

A course series exploring how western skeptics can create authentic connections with traditional tantric practices and scriptural contemplations.

Finding an authentic way to relate to traditional Buddhist practices and texts can be difficult for us in the west. The practices and texts are incredibly powerful, but being from a different cultural context from where the practices originated, makes it difficult to move beyond intellectual understanding and perfunctory repetition towards allowing them to touch our hearts and transform our lives as they are meant to.

For those who are on the Buddhist path, finding ways to work authentically and intimately with practices and texts is very important otherwise much ofour study and practice can remain disappointingly superficial. Where we wish to transform to be of benefit, we are still stuck and despite our many hours of study and practice our goal of becoming kinder, gentler more open hearted remains elusive.

For this reason, we are very happy to announce that senior Buddhist teacher and tantric practitioner, Stephan Pende Wormland, has agreed to guide a practice-based course series this fall where participants will be encouraged and supported in exploring, being creative with, and finding their own authentic way to practice within the rich and diverse Buddhist tradition.

The fall course will integrate kriya-tantric practices of the Buddha of compassion, Chenrezig, with analytical meditation on points from the sacred text: The 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas by the 10th c. Kadampa master, Gyelsay Togmay Sangpo. In each session, Stephan will teach a bit on the text, guide practice and meditation and give space for discussion, sharing and questions.

This will be an extraordinary opportunity to deepen tantric practice and delve deeply into one of the most important texts in the Buddhist canon in an intimate setting with a guide who is not only a long time practitioner, but also an experienced Buddhist teacher and spiritual mentor.

The members of this group make a commitment to at least 30 minutes of daily tantric practice and analytical meditation during the whole period of the course as well as to contributing to the group discussions during our meetings by way of sharing experiences, asking questions and actively listening.

Tantric practices can push us out of our comfort zones and stir up a lot of emotions, from past and present and the analytical meditations will be at an advanced-beginner level, so for these reasons, it is very important that applicants to the group have been students of Buddhism for at least a few years, and have attended teachings with Stephan.

If you want to participate apply by writing to Stephan ngapende@gmail.com

The course will be continued next year.

Stephan Wormland, MA in clinical psychology and trained in Gestalt therapy. He has studied and practiced meditation in multiple Buddhist traditions for over 30 years and has spent 5 years in Meditation retreats. Stephan was a monk in the Tibetan tradition for 11 years and teaches meditation in Buddhist centers in Europe.

6 onsdagar:  kl 19 – 21.00

21/9, 5/10, 19/10, 2/11, 16/11 och 30/11

1000 kr normalpris

800 kr för studerande eller arbetslös etc

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